Our Current Projects
Pillow Pets...
​​for the PICUs (Pediatric Intensive Care Units). Our gifts of Pillow Pets come in two different sizes. We provide the smaller 11 inch pets and the larger 16 inch pets. We offer a random assortment of pets to hospital Child Life Departments and nursing staffs.
Our target age for recipeints of a gift from Ashley's Room is 8 years old and under. We have pets for both girls and boys. Our selection of pets changes from one week to the next depending on what is available on the shelves in Ashley's Room. Each pet has been hand chosen by Ashley Kate's family and comes with an Ashley's Room tag. Our Pets have been covered in prayers for healing from our faithful supporters. It is our sincere hope to bring a measure of comfort and a moment of joy to these children.
By doing so we will be a blessing to the exhausted, concerned and hurting parents of those children. We can share that with all confidence, having been on the receiving end of many acts of kindness toward our sweet Ash during long hospital stays.

​​for the NICUs (Neonatal Intensive Care Units). Our gifts of beautiful, plush baby blankets come in an array of different colors, desgins and textures. We offer blankets for both baby girls and baby boys. We have hand chosen each and every blanket that is to be given as a gift from Ashely's Room.
The number one question we ask ourselves when choosing the linens for this project is this, "Would we have wrapped our tiny Ashley Kate in this?" It is with that in mind that each blanket is chosen. Our desire is to have the tiniest of patients wrapped in an Ashley's Room blanket because we know that means the child is wrapped up in love and has been covered by a "blanket" of the sincerest prayers from our supporters. Each blanket has been lovingly tagged with an Ashley's Room tag and has been sincerely prayed over by a group of our supporters.
After spending the first six months of Ashley Kate's life in a NICU, we can tell you from experience that these small gifts will be a blessing to a weary mommy or daddy who just wants to wrap up their baby and take him/her home.